Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Astro forecast: Week of May 20 ? The Outer Banks Voice

ARIES: Venus is now retrograde in the area ruling your mind, daily thoughts and all forms of communications. The Solar Eclipse on the 20th highlights this area for the next six months, bringing a culmination to what you began at the Eclipse at the end of November. You do have time to figure things out, enhance relationships with siblings, neighbors and community; tweak and polish your writing and speaking projects; and ponder the meaning of your beliefs. Eclipses tend to illuminate hidden opportunities and speed up events. The asteroid Pallas (the Goddess of Wisdom) enters your sign on the 19th, doubling the Venus message to look at the patterns in your life. She provides a strong impetus to apply yourself and believe that your goals and desires can become reality. Eros, the God of Love, enters your 7th house of partnership on the 24th (until July 21st), spicing up your relationships and the desire to experience more elegance and beauty with important others.

TAURUS: The Moon in your chart rules your third house ? the area of the mind, speaking, writing, travel, siblings and community. The New Moon Solar Eclipse transpires on the 20th in your 2nd house of earned income, talents and skills. Many Taureans often work two jobs and polish and hone a number of talents. The Eclipse brings forth a six-month period to develop and implement your abilities in a way that truly nourishes and juices you. As Venus transits backward in this area, you are encouraged to reclaim what is important to you at a personal level. Again, you can do what you love and experience abundance. This is a time to question any limiting beliefs you still hold around creativity, beauty, self-worth and financial abundance, since you are the author of your life. Mercury?s conjunction to Jupiter in your sign on the 22nd will help you envision the empowered possibilities.

GEMINI: The Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 20th is at 0 degrees of Gemini, indicating an initiating time for you. Venus traveling backward in your sign until June 27th suggests that creative impulses, thoughts and imaginings from the past are meant to be brought into your present planning, goals and personal desires. What are the germinations (impulses) within your heart that need to see the light of day and given expression? Allow yourself time to engage with your inner desires and ?what if?s.? The end of November is the time when those thoughts and desires can firmly become your new reality. Eros, the God of Love, enters your 5th house of true love, authentic self-expression, and creativity. This is the time to bring out your inner child and let him run free ? unique self-expression is encouraged even while feeling some vulnerability and fearing judgment.

CANCER: Because your sign is ruled by the Moon, you feel, flow, ebb and change with the monthly moon cycles. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is a powerful harbinger of change in the innermost realms of your being. The 12th house rules your subconscious mind, the generational past, dreams, intuition and what you need to freely share with humanity. During the next six months you realize that this life is largely an inside job. What you focus on, dream about and put emotional energy into will be the areas of growth, development and manifestation. Think of this as a gestation period ? what you tend to in private can be the areas of creative growth and new realities that will be given birth by this Fall. Saturn?s movement into your 5th house this Fall is asking you to make your dreams a sustainable vocationally driven reality. Yes, you can! Reviewing the past in a state of detached compassion and growing levels of understanding can emancipate you from negative trappings of the past. Allow them to dissolve as you re-pattern the inner child and imagine the future possibilities.

LEO: The New Moon Solar Eclipse may illuminate and bring to the fore dreams and possibly even people that awaken you to some heartfelt desires. Please pay attention. A special time for your personal dreams and goals is unfolding, asking you to reach back to connect with people who awaken your creativity, excite you and offer easy support for your evolving life direction and communications. The next six months are a seminal time to take steps toward your personal desires without pressure or fear of time limitations. This energy also encourages you to embrace your talents, educate and explore, and it reinforces your belief in self ? much of what indicates success. The most successful folks are usually not the most technically talented but are the most secure. Emotional intelligence is fueled by the support systems we have and the level of self-regard we hold for ourselves?hmm. Effort is indicated as the asteroid Pallas moves into the area ruling higher education, publishing, marketing, public relations, legal efforts, internal contacts and travel. Trust your desires and take the steps to make them happen. Chiron and Pluto continue to strengthen support from others, psychological and physical healing, and financial reward from the work and services you offer.

VIRGO: You are feeling better, more confident and more energetic. Please don?t lament the past few months as you were most definitely in a ?resting and review? stage. The New Moon Solar Eclipses brings the feeling of time speeding up in the areas connected with parents, career, authority figures and life direction. You have more time to make decisions and implement planning ? more than you think. The next six months suggest a time for taking steps, knowing that full-blown culminations won?t appear until November. Money, your talents, desires and what is beautiful are important to you now. YOU are important ? your views and beliefs are direct feeds to what you feel you can accomplish ?out there.? So please tend to your beliefs wisely, as Jupiter has been encouraging you to expand beyond what you feel is possible. The 22nd brings uplifting news regarding education, travel, teaching, PR and marketing ? the answer is a definite yes. Mercury then joins the Eclipse and Venus retrograde energy in your 10th house of outer life direction ? more communications, agreements and access to those in a position of power and influence will be available to you.

LIBRA: Venus in retrograde continues to aspect Saturn in your sign, stabilizing and lending a grounded sustainability to your educational, publishing, marketing, international connections and travel goals. As the New Moon Solar Eclipse highlights your 9th house (the aforementioned areas) fresh possibilities, ventures, relationships and broader levels of communication will become available over the next six months. Allow time for Venus to work her magic while you pull inward to review your beliefs and philosophies ? a fruitful process. Eros, the God of Love, enters your sign on the 24th (until July 21st), highlighting an erotic and love-filled orientation to your actions and exchanges with others. You are a bit of a magnet now. Pallas (the Goddess of Wisdom) enters your 7th house of partnership and the public on the 19th, suggesting a time of focused effort within your relating patterns, partnerships and all one-to-one relationships.

SCORPIO: As Juno, the asteroid representing equality, compatibility and receptivity to others, moves back into your sign this week until mid-September (when your ruler Pluto moves direct) she is encouraging you to review the areas of partnership that feel unequal and where trust is lacking. She will move into direct motion in mid-July and is part of the New Moon Solar Eclipse that happens on the 20th in your house of intimacy, shared resources and trust. Venus is also highlighting this theme as she moves retrograde in the 8th house. Venus has been contacting Saturn in your 12th house of the past, generational inheritances and the subconscious mind. See the next several weeks as a continued time of inner house cleaning and teasing apart where the trust was betrayed during your childhood ? therein lie the clues. The imprints were not your fault and this is a stellar time to be aware, clean and integrate. You have been in an energetic clearing phase that is preparing you for monumental beginnings this Fall. Additionally, the Eclipse encourages a six-month phase for new beginnings, emotional bonding, deeper levels of trust and sharing due to culminate in November. Clear the past, step into your worth and focus on positive financial movement.

SAGITTARIUS: The North Node transit of your sign has been encouraging you to step more fully into yourself ? what do you want and what makes you feel empowered, happy and effective in life? This energetic cycle in turn has played into your evolving patterns and experiences within partnership. The New Moon Solar Eclipse kicks off a six-month period of relationship developments ? strengthening current bonds, releasing those that no longer evolve, forging new personal and professional partnerships, and increasing your level of conscious participation within all your alliances. Venus in retrograde motion hints that new developments are buried within past patterns and archetypes. Former mates and paramours may pop up to remind you what didn?t work and why. Juno, the asteroid representing equality and trust within relationships, retrogrades out of your first house and back into your 12 house of the past, suggesting that additional clues lie in present-time emotional orientations. What left you feeling ?less than? in childhood and in the family dynamics?

CAPRICORN: Your health, productivity levels, how you value your physicality, your service to others, co-workers, employees and how your structure your day are receiving an influx of energy from the New Moon Solar Eclipse in your 6th house. For those of you dealing with unemployment this should provide the energetic impetus to change your status. For others, the Eclipse suggests that change needs to happen in how you care for self and others. Your day-to-day life needs a facelift and smoother flow than you have experienced recently. Venus turns retrograde in this very area and suggests that a more fluid, creative and emotionally pleasant flow is part of this important equation. A comfortable and pretty (yep, I said pretty) work environment will contribute to what you do and how you do it. Create a space and daily connection with your world that reflects the highest and best possible. Pluto in your sign continues to embrace Chiron, the maverick genius and teacher in your 3rd house of communications. Trust your perceptions and instincts, as they need to be shared with others for the good of all.

AQUARIUS: Venus and Saturn have been forming a Grand Air Trine with your sign, symbolizing a stabilizing period in your sense of wellbeing and identity; the development of your mind through travel, education and philosophy; and love, creativity and self-expression. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 20th alights in the Venus area of true love, the development of children, creativity, and self-expression. You are entering a six-month period of development in all things heart centered, encouraging a time for childlike playfulness and joy. Let that inner child out for a good, healthy and uncritical time of boisterous romping and pleasure. The Eclipse will bring fresh situations that seek to revolutionize who you think you are. Daydreaming is encouraged, as is visualization of the highest and most joyful thoughts and emotions possible. As Pluto continues to embrace Chiron, you are asked to heal the past in order to step into a more empowered and inventive way to earn your living.

PISCES: Venus retrograding in your 4th house of family, parents, home and security suggests a time to review and revise how you live, how to create a home that is safe and nourishing and how you interact with family. She wants you to feel more secure and loved through the development of your very own ?energetic? home on this planet. Creating a space that is peaceful and nourishing is her mandate. The New Moon Solar Eclipse helps this energetic cycle, bringing needed changes to your inner life. Pluto and Chiron continue to encourage a healing of past family imprints in order for you to realize your self-worth and value. This in turn creates more physical abundance and frees you up to step more fully into the wise and compassionate talents you have to offer the world.

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